Jackson | 10 Months Old!

OK really, how is my baby 10 months old? Tell him to stop getting so big! I feel like he will be 18 and out of the house before I know it! Maybe I still have a little time with him before that happens, but seriously it’s happening so fast!

Things are moving right along and this kid is on the move! He is such a fun and happy guy. ALWAYS laughing and talking at anything/anyone (caught him cracking up playing with his books this evening!)

He is about 25 lbs (we think), eats like a champ and doesn’t want to eat from a spoon with mom (I can do it mom!). In the last week he learned to crawl backwards, clap, and sit up from laying down. He (mostly) says “mama” and “dada” like he means it (I’m just going to call it) and babbles non-stop (this kid is his daddy’s son).

Everything is an exciting adventure for him and I’m so BLESSED to be his mom and watch him experience life.

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